martes, 24 de julio de 2007

A Certain Truth to This

My days as a student are largely over now for all social classification purposes. Now, I'll be entering the rest of my life, and I'll be trying to start it in another country...

But I'm still facing the same question, and its been one of the only true consistencies that follow us everywhere in life: what we'll do in the future.

Its a consideration that isn't exclusive to the "just out of grad school" crowd either. It affects Rupert Murdoch in much the same way as it affects his aspiring mail-room kids. And it doesn't distinguish between big-shot executives and interns when handing out vulnerabilities and insecurities.

We all will continue to work for our future, and always consider what lies ahead, and we can't control it... On happiness, Aristotle said that it is the only thing that humans desire for its own sake.

Some people have tried to order the institutions that provide the best mix of tangible and intangible securities [for Americans]... the 100 Best Companies to Work for of 2007. The top dog: Google, with an impressive list of perks.

I may not find myself working at an "Campus" or office park, but I recognize one thing; applying for jobs at many of these wonder companies confronts one with another truth in life: intense and jealous competition. The Damn Irony.


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